सपनॆ वॊ नही हॊते जॊ हम रात को सोतॆ हुए दॆखतॆ है, सपनॆ वॊ हॊते है जॊ रातॊ कॊ सॊनॆ नही दॆतॆ!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A december full of hopes, awaits

So, December starts with pain in its heart and agony on its soul, with the cries of the Mumbai people still echoing in my ears, the wounds of bullets still fresh on the walls of Taj, Oberoi and Nariman house and on the hearts of people, with the blood stained streets of Mumbai, December starts. The deafening noise of bullets and grenades, the mind bursting hue and cries, fire and smoke, the braves and the angels who came to rescue us. Us, the common man, the most affected community. Some fell dead by the bullets of the terrorists and some have become dead and some have been paralyzed by terror. Are we really free?? Are we really independent since 1947?? The grief shows in the common man's eyes when he wants his child to get the best of education, but he is scared to send him to school, as a terrorist might invade the school and take the children as hostages. The common man who wants to work and earn bread for his family, the family which gets a few lakhs of rupees when their son dies in terror attacks. WE, boast of one of the biggest democracies in the world, why we wake up when it is already late, very late?? Why we always try to patch up the things when it is already happened??
This is our country and the power of the country is its youth. Standing quiet for 2 minutes....will it make any difference?? The problem with our system is that we do not learn from our past..Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Delhi and now poor Mumbai... Its our land and nobody can intrude here without our wish and decide when we have to die...If we want to change the country, we have to change ourselves....Lets show the world that no power can do us part...INDIANS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ONE AND ALWAYS WILL BE...
Love you Mumbai
Jai Hind

1 comment:

  1. whatever happened was seriously depressing, but, we should fight back. lets do out bit and have faith. lets hope for the best. rest follows!
